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May 2020

We have been awarded a new grant from Manitoba Pulse & Soybean growers, Western Grains Research Foundation and Canadian Agricultural Partnership to develop soybean diagnostics for pathogens!

November 2019

Cody, Ivan and Harald traveled to St. Louis to present their research at the Entomological Society of America 2019 Annual Conference


May 2020

We are very excited to start our new research project to survey the mosquito and tick populations of Manitoba for neglected pathogens funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada!

April 2020

We are excited to start our final year of our 3-year surveillance research of wireworms across crop fields in Manitoba!


March 2020

Our waxworm research was featured in many news and media outlets following the publication of our recent paper! Congratulations to the waxworm team!



Students seeking M.Sc. or undergraduate research are encouraged to contact

Dr. Cassone to discuss opportunities.


Dr. Bryan Cassone

Associate Professor

Brandon University

Department of Biology

270 - 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba, R7A 6A9

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